
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/21/2009 1:14:14 pm PDT

re: #242 AJStrata

Ludwig Von Beck,

But hopefully you know it represents only 3% of the GHG’s. So increasing it to 3.5% is not going to do squat globally.

For those interested, the idea of GHG’s actually storing heat in any amount necessary to increase temps was debunked.

More papers here.

Now this is your singe most false and egregious post.

Let’s take it apart one piece at a time.

Yes, CO2 is a GHG. But hopefully you know it represents only 3% of the GHG’s. So increasing it to 3.5% is not going to do squat globally.

And yet, we would be 60 degrees cooler if not for that small amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. So it clearly does have a significant effect. Further an increase from 3% to 3.5 % and these are the wrong numbers anyway would have a very significant effect as that is fractionally a very large increase.

No how do we know how warm the Earth is because of the CO2 blanket? Someone with your expertise should be able to calculate such a thing to first order yes? It is after all a homework problem for sophomores.

So let me run you through it. It is called an energy budget model. It is based on the idea that energy is conserved.

1. Estimate the amount of CO2 you have.
1a, Take pressure and total atmosphere into account…

2. Look at the absorption of CO2 and how many watts come in from the sun in those bands…

3. Remember that energy is conserved.

The first detailed calculation of this time was done in the late 1890’s by Svante Ahrenius. In fact, he took curvatures and soils into account as well.

He found…

Arrhenius used his model to calculate the change of temperature that would follow if the quantity of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was two-thirds, double, or even triple its present value. He reported that a doubling of CO2 would raise global temperatures by about 3 to 3.5 C while a reduction of CO2 by one-third would lower temperatures by roughly the same amount. These values happen to be within the range of current estimates even though Arrhenius ignored the possible effects of changes of horizontal advection and cloud cover and worked with very limited spectroscopic data. For example, the infrared atmospheric window between 8 and 12 microns and the strong carbon dioxide and water vapor absorption bands beyond 12 microns were unknown at the time.

Arrhenius, Svante (1908). Worlds in the Making. New York: Harper & Brothers.

Now this is really well established science.

Right, this has been standing in it’s basic from since 1896! We know full well increasing CO2 increases temperature. The fact that you are trying to deny this is like someone trying to deny the importance of Origin of the Species.

Now part 2.

The unpublished paper you cherry picked in an attempt to create false and non-existent controversy over established science…

For those interested, the idea of GHG’s actually storing heat in any amount necessary to increase temps was debunked.

Again this is an outright lie.