
Video: Interviews with the Beck Fans

McSpiff8/30/2010 9:16:52 pm PDT

re: #241 LudwigVanQuixote

If it were done in a way that did not discriminate against race or creed unfairly, I would be all for it.

Of course, the only way to insure that would be to have a proper public education system in place, that had sufficient resources provided to teach all students, for at least a generation.

But yes, if we had a system like that, I would be all for it. I would also add a mathematical requirement. Picking politicians means talking economics. If you can’t manage algebra, you are not qualified.

So All men are created equal is just a bunch of bullshit to you in that case? Too bad the unwashed masses will never let you have your technocracy. O wait, no, the other thing. Thank the founding fathers!