
Gingrich Executes Stunning Backflip

Lidane3/23/2011 4:53:41 pm PDT

re: #168

But among many who were here at the time, I saw absolute raw, naked fear - true fear - at the election result. I was taken aback by the depth of it.

The sad thing is, that fear has only gotten worse over time because it’s been exploited by Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck and the other howler monkeys on the right over the past 2+ years since Obama won the election.

Some folks have tried to draw some sort of equivalence between the Bush Derangement Syndrome on the left from the previous eight years, or even the right’s previous Clinton Derangement Syndrome in the 90’s, but it’s so far beyond that with Obama. They don’t even accept the idea that he’s American, much less that he’s POTUS. He’s some sort of “other”, less than human, less than presidential, etc. It’s been stunning to watch.