
Friday Night Jam: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - Man on Fire

Birth Control Works6/02/2012 6:02:56 am PDT

re: #245 I’m back in the USSR (sigh)

I’ve been just thinking about that. On the surface the decision seems like a no-brainer.
But then, where does one stop? Should the state take away someone’s children if they name them after Mao? What if the parents name their children normally, but still indoctrinate them with Nazism? And if indoctrinating one’s children with wacky stuff is a no-no, then shouldn’t the state take away children of young-earth creationist wackos? What about the Phelps family?
IOW, what are the standards? Where does one stop?

You are really rationalizing here. Young Earth Creationists = Adolf HItler?

This is where I’d like to see a full psych evaluation and treatment before they get their kids back.

Somehow naming your kid after such a monster seems ok to you?

So, the kid is going to grow-up thinking it’s just fine to gas 6 Million Jews?