
Fortune Obtains Bain Documents 'Supporting' Romney

Captain Ron7/12/2012 4:15:26 pm PDT

Boston Globe refuses to correct Bain story.

The Romney campaign demanded that the Globe “correct” their story, which Romney called “inaccurate.” The problem is that, as the Globe notes in their subsequent letter to the Romney campaign, the Globe can’t correct a story that quotes federal and state documents that Romney wrote himself.

Only in Romney-land does someone retire and then keep his job for a few more years. If Romney is now claiming that he took a leave of absence from Bain, then why did he tell the FEC that he “retired”? And why did he file state documents showing he was still earning income if he supposedly no longer worked there?

Then there’s today’s story from Buzzfeed in which Mitt Romney said during a recent GOP primary debate that he “worked” at Bain - you know, that place he “retired” from - until 2002.