
Another GOP Senate Candidate Who Thinks Rape Is God's Way of Giving Women Babies

Birth Control Works10/24/2012 12:43:52 pm PDT

re: #236 HappyWarrior

Yeah because women’s hormones not their own rational choices are why single women especially prefer Obama to Romney. Not the fact that Romney’s policies plain old suck. Really CNN is starting to approach the Fox level when it comes to sensationalist bullshit disguised as news for me.

Here’s how Durante explains this: When women are ovulating, they “feel sexier,” and therefore lean more toward liberal attitudes on abortion and marriage equality. Married women have the same hormones firing, but tend to take the opposite viewpoint on these issues, she says.

this has something to do with voting?

Oh, we are just fickle creatures —we change our minds every 14 to 28 days?


I’d like to see how men’s voting habits change in relation to football season.