
The Wendy Davis Ad that has the Media Up In Arms

TedStriker10/11/2014 5:11:56 pm PDT

re: #228 wrenchwench

Do you have an explanation for your continuing support for the sexist, racist, homophobic, pro-forced-birth, fiscally irresponsible party you keep rooting for?

re: #232 Backwoods_Sleuth

again, bullshit.
You said what you said. You did NOT add snark tag. Nor did you gopsplain that you were sniping on the original article.
Good grief, DF. Just own up to the fact that you are all RAH RAH RAH GO TEAM.

And add your disgusting glee over Gabby Giffords, you’ve already made me sick to death to be a Republican.

re: #233 A Mom Anon

Dude can you not think for yourself objectively ever? Watch that ad again and pretend, just for 40 seconds, that Wendy Davis is a Republican. There is nothing there that is nasty, NOTHING at all.

You really should begin looking carefully at the people you support and what they actually stand for. Blind partisan support is just, well, immature at best.

I like you DF, I always have, but I wish you’d seriously consider the individuals you support and dig just a bit deeper before standing behind people just because the have that (R) after their name. You’re an adult, if you happen to vote for the occasional Democrat, no one has to know but you. Policy and people over Party is a good rule of thumb much of the time. Just sayin’.

re: #236 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Dark, I don’t want to imagine what kind of cognitive dissonance you must go through to vote for the party of evil while remaining a decent person (I’ll ignore the question of whether one can be a decent person and vote for the GOP for now).

Now, y’all now that Dark will never put up a substantive, sensical answer to you, even after all these years, which is one reason he’s now on my GAZE list.