
Ferguson Protesters Met With Hecklers, Confederate Flag in Rural Missouri

CuriousLurker12/04/2014 12:19:22 pm PST

This racism and police brutality is a festering boil on the ass of America that got popped, and now everyone who wasn’t previously aware of it (due to having experienced it in some form) is horrified. This crap is every bit as much part of our country as baseball and apple pie, but people who have the luxury of being able to ignore it don’t want to admit to or deal with it.

It’s the same with homophobia, islamophobia, sexism, and all the other rank, bigoted bullshit that goes on where the victims are blamed and painted as liars seeking special privileges. There are some special privileges at stake here alright, but people are fighting tooth & nail to maintain them because they apparently feel that this is a zero sum game.

It’s time to grow up, America. Stop clinging to a past that was only idyllic for some, and face this infection head on.

That is all.