
Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooter Admired Anti-Choice Extremist Group "Army of God," Called Them "Heroes"

Charles Johnson12/01/2015 5:03:16 pm PST

Chucky’s latest post is ridiculously funny. Titled, “BUSTED: We Found Who Ben Carson Claimed To Stab.”

He quotes a People magazine article from 1991, apparently dug up by Shannon Knutsen, and says “This new revelation contradicts other claims that Carson has made about he tried to stab a friend Bob.” Chucky says it was actually Carson’s brother.

Except it doesn’t contradict anything. The People magazine article is clear that Ben Carson’s brother was NOT the one he said he tried to stab. The article says Carson went after his brother once with a kitchen knife unsuccessfully, but then goes on to describe another incident in the very next paragraph, the one everyone knows about, in which the knife was deflected by his friend’s belt buckle. Two completely different situations.

It’s as if Chuck didn’t even read the quote he put in his stupid post. Man, this guy.