
New From Seth Meyers: Markets Plunge as Trump Lies About Coronavirus Response [VIDEO]

Belafon3/10/2020 7:30:39 am PDT

re: #248 plansbandc

Today on the morning show on our rock radio station we had a “health expert” who:

-Told the audience not to worry about the Corona Virus because really the flu is much more dangerous. We’ve hardly had any deaths from the Corona virus, but we’ve had thousands of deaths due to the flu.

-Basically don’t take any precautions, because the whole thing is being politicized to hurt the “president”.

-Just build up your immune system with a bunch of Vitamin C,

-Annnd… His final words of wisdom? “My mother taught me not to run with the herd because you’ll get stampeded off the cliff!”

Jesus Fucking Christ

“So, what you’re saying is that the cougar that just jumped out of the bushes isn’t a threat?”