
Politicians Reach Deal to Mortgage America's Future

Salem2/06/2009 5:48:28 pm PST

re: #220 Dark_Falcon

I don’t see how Laura Ingram is promoting theocracy, nor Glen Beck either. And Ben Stein did not deal with the subject of evolution but rather with the porkilus bill, a subject on which he had some useful hings to say. I honestly do not understand how you are reaching your conclusions. I’m not going to down-ding you, because I want to hear your reasoning.

Do I need to clarify that this is my opinion? They are all on the record as supporting giving ID equal time with evolution in public schools. Hence, I don’t need to hear another word from them on any other topic. They are kooks. If the Republican party wants to hang their fate on the ranting of a bunch of fringe kooks who someone has seen fit to put behind a microphone, then the Republican party is driving down a dead-end beyond 2010.