
Obama's Afghanistan Speech

JohninLondon12/01/2009 6:14:15 pm PST

Sure, Obama was very clear in his election campaign that he wanted to concentrate on Afghanistan. When he took office he was given full briefings and re-assessments by the outgoing administration. His own general-on-the-spot then made clear recommentdations.

So the question remains - why on earth take so long to announce tonight’s decisions ? Which of those decisions could not have been taken months’ ago ?It is now too late to get any more of the asked-for troops out there before next year.

There has been the impression of vacillation, to placate the base or whatever, now compounded by unnecessary talk of an exit timetable for Iraq that looks dangerous.

And not really enough fire in the speech ? enough to get Americans solidly behind the effort ? And enough to tell the Taliban and people taking their side that they are on a hiding-to-nothing ? Enough to persaude local Afghans in or near war zones that they can feel safer ?

I fear not, it was hardly a rousing performance.