
Crack in the Far Right World

253 8:20:22 pm PDT

re: #169 Obdicut

If you owe me $1000, and I tell you that I’m forgiving you $200 of it, I really am giving you money by doing so.

Taxes are real obligations. Tax breaks really are relief from actual fiscal obligations.

No, you’re not “giving” me money, to tell me that you’re going to allow me to keep $200 of what I’ve earned.

You are simply not taking as much as you could.

I’m not arguing that taxes are not real obligations, of course they are.
Nor am I arguing that breaks are relief from those obligations. They are, of course.

I’m arguing that if I’ve earned it, it’s MINE. And allowing me to keep more of it than before, is NOT subsidizing ME. It’s just taking less away from me.