
Civil Liberties Hero Edward Snowden Commits Massive Civil Liberties Violation

Justanotherhuman7/06/2014 4:48:04 pm PDT

This really does make me sick. I mentioned last night that Gellman himself felt no compunction in printing the info he gleaned about that couple, and no doubt anyone who knows them would be able to identify them from the circumstances presented.

Knowing that unauthorized persons (Snowgreen and their accomplices) are reading these docs should sicken anyone. Why are people only upset that govt employees in the course of their work may have seen them, and not Snowden and Co who have no right to those documents? And I stand by my earlier assertions that if we don’t like laws, we work to change them—we don’t resort to criminal behavior. And if criminal behavior is being done in our name by govt employees, they should be prosecuted, no matter who they are. People do forget that just because he was a contractor, that by virtue of his job, Snowden was a govt employee and required to take an oath to the US. Yet, there are no indications that any criminal actions have been made by the NSA, while we know for certain what Snowden’s crimes were and that he provided some people with the fruits of his crimes, which makes them holders of stolen goods.

Maybe this all sound rather moralistic, but no, it’s legalistic, and the fact remains that one or more persons have committed crimes, and everything the NSA did was covered by legislation.

But, I suppose it’s fine to feel “vindicated” for your crimes if you’re a certain type of person. It’s OK to have committed those crimes because govt. It’s OK to have committed those crimes because NSA. Which more or less means you (a) don’t feel you are a part of this govt or this country; (b) your own personal wishes are not being carried out; (c) your judgment supersedes that of seasoned, experienced people who make intelligence and security their life’s work; (d) your self-imposed OCD won’t permit you to work within the system in order to rectify any flaws. In other words, it’s more important for you to throw a wrench into the system instead of working with others to try to change what you might think is wrong, and you’re severely impaired with pie in the sky libertarianism and/or anarchistic ideology.