
Video: President Obama's Full Interview With Chuck Todd

goddamnedfrank9/07/2014 4:57:36 pm PDT

re: #235 Rightwingconspirator

OTOH-An unnecessarily harsh description of a moderate Republican that would like to see real change in the GOP. Caught between the rock on the right and the hard place on his left.

His situation is complicated by this-Few hard core Democratic partisans really want to see the GOP mend its ways. That would just be a tougher opponent in the elections. People that put a lower priority on party influence than policy views look at that tough spot with more sympathy.

Yes, us Democratic progressives are definitely making things hard for milquetoast moderate Republicans like Dark by not being impressed by his incessant focus on style over substance. If only he had more sympathy from us he’d be loads more effective at changing his party of incorrigibly racist greed-bags.

It’s a lot like how anyone who speaks up for gun rights is often burdened with the extremes the leadership & ILA side of the NRA presents. The moderates earn the contempt of both ends of the spectrum. Twice as many critics as a partisan.

For that analogy not to fail it kind of depends on if the gun rights moderates in question are just advocating changes in marketing and optics or offering real reform, as I have by advocating multiple hard hitting legal reforms. Reforms like putting all handguns under the auspices of the National Firearms Act, requiring $200 or more tax stamps to transfer. Also requiring at least two recommendations, one that must come from someone related to you and one from someone who cannot be related to you, along with a police interview. These reforms, it should be noted, have received significant pushback from the so called gun rights moderates here. The so called “hard place” barely exists in this particular debate, very, very few people are seriously advocating a universal ban on all firearms, if for no other reason than the sheer impracticality of such a proposal.