
Trump Defends Tweeting Fake "Black Crime" Statistics: "It Came From a Very Credible Source"

Dark_Falcon11/24/2015 6:36:34 am PST

re: #253 lawhawk

re: Trump seeing jumpers at WTC on 9/11. He claims he saw them from his home in NYC on the morning of 9/11. He’s got an apartment 4 miles from the WTC in the Trump Tower on 5th Avenue. So, if he saw something, he either has super eyesight, was using binoculars, or is conflating news reports with what he actually saw.

As I was just a mile north in the West Village (Varick/Houston), the most I could see was a nonstop stream of smoke and debris coming out of the towers. I can’t recall seeing jumpers (or I have blotted that from my memory).

At the distance we’re talking about, there’s no way he could see anything more than a dot. Heck, being at the top of the WTC makes everyone at street level look like ants (1,300+ feet below). Now multiply that distance by 20.

Trump has super eyesight and super binoculars. His vision with them is so keen he’ll be able to spot illegal immigrants trying to get over the border wall from 20 miles away. Then he’ll summon the missile drones.
