
Unedited Helicopter Video of FBI Shootout With Oregon Militant

lawhawk1/29/2016 10:16:30 am PST

re: #172 WhatEVs

I get it. My point was, depending on how the defense presents it, some ONE on a jury might take that side (the way Lawhawk presented it [sorry LH], I would have). One hangout creates a situation I do not want. I want these guys behind bars, with certainty by the jury, that they deserve to spend their remaining (or mostly remaining) days far, far away from society.

No apology needed. The jury’s going to hear spins on versions of the events. The defense will argue that he panicked and then drove into the ditch to avoid killing any cops at the roadblock. He doesn’t have to offer actual proof - only sow doubt as to the facts/circumstances provided by prosecutors. And a defense attorney would try to sow doubt. That’s all they have to do.