
And Now, Something Amazing: Wintergatan - Marble Machine

CuriousLurker3/06/2016 9:12:38 am PST

re: #203 HappyWarrior

You could quite honestly replace Hitler’s name with Trump and Anti-Semitic with Anti-Muslim. As I got at, Anti-Muslim prejudice is accepted and commonplace in the party whose nomination Trump is attempting to get.

Last night I watched a documentary about Sacco & Vanzetti and the anti-Italian bigotry & scare mongering at the time were every bit as vicious as the antisemitism that’s been around for millennia & the current Islamophobia. An illustrated example likening immigrants to filthy, violent rats:

Anti-immigrant bigotry, Judge (magazine) 1903.

Oh look, this one even has a wall (attempting) to keep out the waves of evil immigrants pouring into our beloved country, intent on destroying “our” institutions and way of life. Sound familiar 113 years later?

More anti-immigrant bigotry, Judge (magazine) 1903. NotE that it’s the same artist as above, one Louis Dalrymple who also did work for Puck (magazine). More of his work via Google Images, if you have the stomach for it.

Of course there was also the anti-Catholic/Irish bigotry. I’m not even gonna touch the anti-black bigotry & racism (along with countless others).

Anti-Irish/Catholic cartoon by Thomas Nast