
Bizarre Tweets From Wikileaks Reveal Their True Agenda

lawhawk10/21/2016 7:17:52 am PDT

re: #244 HappyWarrior

Clinton is running a modern presidential campaign. Trump is running a high school student election campaign. It really says a lot about the GOP’s “strong bench” that none of them could beat Trump. Of course, the GOP hacks are going to claim that Hillary only won because of Trump ignoring that their guys couldn’t. Now granted it was a 16 candidate field but come the hell on.

It was a 16 candidate field that sucked royally, which is why anyone/everyone entered it.

The well-funded candidate - Jeb - flamed out early.

Walker? Toast. Perry? Pataki? Santorum? Huckabee? There and gone. Never generated any traction.

Carson (who was a walking piece of toast for all the nonsense he spewed). Pathetic.

Fiorina? Soggy white bread whose own business record rivals that of Trump for destroying companies in her wake.

That left Cruz, Rubio, and Trump. That was essentially a 3-way race and Trump decimated them handily. For all the talk about how they were seasoned/experienced candidates, they failed miserably against Trump mostly because they wouldn’t or couldn’t attack the heart of Trump’s message.