
CNN: The Department of Justice Report on Trump's Wiretap Allegation Does Not Confirm His Conspiracy Theory

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·3/18/2017 6:09:51 am PDT

re: #249 harlequinade

Iā€™m not sure what a ā€œgeneral messageā€ is, but you also said post it as a reply to this so I will.

It turns out my sisterā€™s wife of many years has developed a particularly nasty case of cancer which has wiped out their savings and retirement plans, and threatens my sister-in-lawā€™s life.

My sister-in-law is now in a promising trial, but such things are exceedingly expensive. (Iā€™ll leave it up to the class about what this garden-variety socialist thinks of capitalistic medical care in a First World nation - suffice to say Zombie Eyed Granny Starverā€™s budget plans will create a lot more of this.)

My sister launched a GoFundMe account a couple months ago. I put the link behind the privacy bar because (a) privacy and (b) Mr. Johnson might not really like his LGF platform used for private medical bill fundraising (if so, blow this comment off the site and let me know and I wonā€™t do such a thing again).

My sisterā€™s updates on the link explain what is going on with my sister-in-lawā€™s treatment.