
A Great New Track by John Hiatt Refutes Its Own Title: "Over the Hill"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam9/23/2018 7:12:05 am PDT

re: #253 HappyWarrior

I haven’t read Fear yet. Not going to any time soon since I’m exhausted by this WH. Maybe after Midterms.

There are more juicy bits coming up, I’m sure. I did reach the now-famous section where Trump tells Gary Cohn the USA should just borrow lots of money, then resell it later to make a profit. After Cohn explains why that’s a bad idea, Trump then suggests Treasury can just print more money to deal with the debt. Oh, and I’ve gotten through the Cabinet explaining to Trump why NATO is actually a pretty good idea.

I’ve heard that Kavanaugh described as the Forrest Gump of the GOP, always being in the right place at the right time to get ahead. Trump is like Chance Gardiner in Being There, except he’s not at all funny or likeable, and this is real life.