
Cory Wong // "Treehouse" (Feat. Phoebe Katis)

makeitstop3/11/2020 6:48:50 am PDT

re: #245 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I think Trump fatigue is a real thing. People just want a President again. Unfortunately I think Trump at a minimum gets 40% of the vote and 200 EVs but I think fatigue is real.

I’ll say I’ve never seen Republicans openly and publicly tell other Republicans to hop the fence and vote for the other team. And it’s been happening a lot in the past few days, and not just from the usual ‘Never Trump’ suspects.

It’s honestly pretty stunning to watch, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it increase as the election gets closer. A lot of people have let Trump skate on a lot of things, but I think COVID-19 and Trump’s total lack of a coherent response has people giving up on trying to defend the indefensible. Finally.