
A Beautiful Song From Allison Young: "Wasting Time"

Joe Bacon ✅7/08/2021 7:26:33 am PDT

Gosh what took Republicans so long to do this predictable stunt?

This ex-Trump official is moving the ‘critical race theory’ hysteria into churches as he takes aim at ‘woke’ pastors

Yesirree folks, coming to your local GOP Megachurch expect to hear endless sermons during the Critical Race Theory Pulpit Pimp-0-Rama where your Pimp will recite the latest GOP talking points demanding that Real Xtians take over the school boards and make them into indoctrination centers that will worship The Big G’s anointed King—Shithead Trump!

Praise Jay-Zuss!

oh, and keep putting those green pictures in the collection plates…or whip out that American Express to prove how Jay-Zuss blesses you with wealth…and for those of you who only have a Visa or Master Card, keep praying for that Amex!