
Seth Meyers: Trump Lashes Out at Fox and Murdoch Amid Fallout From Shocking Dominion Lawsuit

Eclectic Cyborg3/03/2023 11:22:27 am PST

Hi. Dual citizen here. I have experience in both health care systems. The Canadian system is not flawless. It has its issues (long wait times for specialists [in some instances anyway] being one of them), but I still like it better than the for profit system that exists in this country.

I know full well if I lost my job I’d be fucked because - POOF - there goes my health coverage. It’s nice to NOT have to worry about that in Canada. Trust me, as a broke ass college student in the early aughts, I appreciated having easy access to health care (that would not ruin my credit) if I needed it.

It’s just too damn easy to look at a few case studies and say “system X is better than system Y because…”.

My mom, who lives in Canada, was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. The speed at which she was diagnosed and treated (surgery and all) was pretty good all things considered.

Yes, some people die waiting to see a specialist or some such. That may not happen as much in America, but what DOES happen down here is people die because they cannot afford the lifesaving surgery they need and people die because they do not seek medical attention for issues (due to financial concerns) until it’s too late.

Also, again, so many people (who worked hard and “did it right” their entire life) bankrupted by medical debt in this nation.