
The Bob Cesca Podcast: I'm Bored With Me Too

dat_said5/31/2023 7:00:57 am PDT

*sigh* Just got a call from my youngest daughter that I had to come RIGHT AWAY to help save a snapping turtle. It was in the middle of the road about a block from our house. A road that sees maybe 25 cars throughout the day. So, I walked over and did my usual ā€œletā€™s have turtle soup for supperā€. Actually, I did my usual ā€œletā€™s step back and wait a bit to see if it will move on its ownā€. Which, of course it did.

I have failed in my nature lessons which generally boil down to ā€œleave it the hell aloneā€. Bunch of baby bunnies that look abandoned? Probably not - letā€™s keep the dogs away and check on them once in a while. Fawn curled up in the tall grass and flowers? Itā€™s fine. Baby robin bouncing on the ground trying to fly? Give it time. Itā€™ll figure it out. Turtle crossing the road? Pick it up and it will piss on you and, if itā€™s a snapper, will try to bite you because it has no idea youā€™re trying to help.

And, if you ever actually need to move a snapper, do not grab it by its tail or on the side of its shell.

Hereā€™s how to move a snapper (and pity the poor snapper who had to endure this): How to help a Snapping Turtle Cross the Road