
Now They're Surprised

Pyrocles2/27/2009 9:32:48 am PST

I remember listening to an interview on NPR once by Renee Montagne. She was interviewing some foreign policy expert in the Bush administration, and she was convinced that the only reason America ever supported Israel is for that precise religions reason. The Bush admin guy was surprised, and trying to explain to her other reasons for US support of Israel. She never really seemed to understand that the Christian Right’s religious reasons weren’t the only reason behind America’s support of Israel.

Many Lefties like Montagne probably believe that the only reason the US ever supported Israel is for the selfish reasons of the Christian Right.

re: #219 Walter L. Newton

You got that nailed. Some of the biggest Christian supporters of Israel are only supporters because they see the Jews as a necessary piece of the puzzle that will help fulfill the return of their messiah.

The world is for their christ, the Jews will be co-opted into that world at the end, because they will realize that the “true” messiah has bee the same messiah all along, the Christian messiah.

For some Christians, the middle east is the game board on which all this plays out, to the final advantage to the Christians.

And realize I’m talking only about the far-right Christian movement, the kind that has spawned Robertson, Falwell, Lindsey, Trinity Boradcasting etc.

This is fact.