
Bobby Jindal's Volcano Monitoring Slam Backfires

BartB3/24/2009 1:20:21 pm PDT

re: #209 Sharmuta

Um, didn’t the ordinary people feel the rumbling, see the smoke? They monitor such things from all over the world in Boulder, CO. Paid for by your tax dollars.
I’m not saying that useful information cannot be learned from monitoring such events, but I’m not ready to concede that they have learned enough so far to do anything really useful. “Further studies are needed” is the last line on any and every government-sponsored research/report/news break. There was a time, not so long ago, when people who were interested in such things paid their own bills.

Now, it seems, if the government doesn’t pay the way, the administration is opposed to very important Science. Like Bush, who never prohibited stem cell research, he just declined to fund it.

How much money is enough? “When does the Sex Life of the Polish Tree Frog” (A real government-sponsored research project) justify the cost of kinky researchers studying it?