
Bad Craziness at Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty Website

Pianobuff7/26/2009 3:01:41 pm PDT

re: #218

Nana - I am frightened too.
My medical needs have a cost that exceeds $30,000 a year. I’ve had the same employer-provided group insurance for 30 years, and right now, thank the good Lord in heaven, I am covered 100% for the major part of that cost.

I am very much afraid that under Obamacare, my insurance plan could no longer take new enrollees, and would have to cease. I would then have to be under Obamacare, and I’m afraid I would be ineligible for the treatment I need, because of my age … and if that happens, I believe I will be dead within 5 years, whereas I can expect to live another 20 or 30 with it.

You might find this an interesting read, too. There’s even a section on Emanuel and Blumenthal.