
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel8/14/2009 3:56:26 am PDT

re: #249 Sharmuta

I think the reptile hybrid is more crazy. What kind of moron colorizes a black and white picture and then thinks it could prove a skin condition?! Wow.

You know, you might be right. It’s kind of terrifying. I notice that they also have a discussion forum, which is frightening.

Don and I often talk on the phone and he mentioned a couple of weeks ago that he saw entities on Barack’s knees and forearms in the black and white photo seen above. When he re-introduced color into the photo, these entities were easier to spot. He sent me a color version of the photo and I began to look at it carefully using PhotoShop. It’s obvious that the photo was intentionally desaturated of color before publishing it on the Internet so you wouldn’t notice the etheric entities popping out all over the place in this photograph. After enlarging and adjusting the contrast, the entities show up with remarkable clarity. I’ve divided this photo essay into three sections highlighting the entities seen on 1) Barack’s forearms, knees, and hands; 2) on the wall behind Barack, and 3) on the forearms of Lolo Soetoro. It’s obvious that Barack and Lolo are more than normal “aliens” in the earthly sense of the word.

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