
Right Wing Terrorists Arrested in Plot to Murder Judge, State Troopers

Dan M.3/12/2011 8:32:43 am PST

What’s the big deal about telling someone not to comply with some hypothetical law that is unconstitutional?

There is no gun registration law in this country, and certainly not in Alaska. Don Young was not telling anyone to break any existing law, and he wasn’t telling a “terrorist” to do anything. He was telling a citizen to disobey some unconstitutional law if it were passed in the future. That citizen later turned out to be a suspected terrorist. Big deal. How does this make Don Young a nutcase?

Guess what? I’m not going to register my guns if anyone tells me to, either. The government has no more of a right to know every gun that I own than they have a right to know every word that comes out of my mouth or every thought that enters my head.

If someone passed a law saying you had to buy a permit to speak or that you were forbidden from locking your doors, and someone recommended disobedience, would you cream your pants and exclaim “YES THAT’S RIGHT! A RIGHT-WING NUTJOB TOLD THESE PEOPLE TO SPEAK WITHOUT PERMISSION AND TO LOCK THEIR DOORS! WHAT HAPPENED TO LAW AND ORDER IN THIS COUNTRY!?”