
New ABC/WaPo Poll: 70% of Americans Disapprove of GOP's Shutdown Games

A Mom Anon10/07/2013 3:19:57 pm PDT

re: #242 ProTARDISLiberal

I get the frustration, trust me, I LIVE here and have a tea party asshole for a rep who runs unchallenged every two years. It’s going to be slow incremental change here. Sam Nunn’s daughter Michelle is running as a Dem for Saxby Chambliss’ seat, she’d be good I think, a conservative Dem, but not a Blue Dog. What really needs to happen is people have to begin running for local offices and take them back from the wingnuts. That is exactly how they rose to power over 30 yrs ago, they started small, with the schools and local commissions and mayoral offices. If there’s ever a hope of taking things away from a far swing to the right, that’s where the answer is, locally. Support local dems in local offices in the states you think need help. Much more constructive and more likely to work, if not right away. The time is right to start, Democrats got too complacent about this shit, and now we see the result of that.