
Wunderkind Jacob Collier's First Video From His Debut Album Is Insanely Great

ObserverArt4/03/2016 8:12:03 am PDT

Morning LGF!

I’ve mentioned before our local NBC station has a local politics show on every Sunday right before Meet The Press. Today there was talk about Trump and his problems with how he handled the questions from Chris Matthews on abortion.

Good ol’ Johnny Kasich was asked about it and he basically said that it was a stupid statement and showed Trump wasn’t ready for the big job. And then he said that it put women in an awkward situation and they shouldn’t have to worry about that…or some such bullshit. I didn’t hear it too well as I was making a late breakfast and my blood was just coming to a boil.

I tried to see if I could find video of it, but I don’t think they post video until a few days after the show.

Think about that. Johnny was worried about women being inconvenienced by Trump’s words about being punished.

How about being totally inconvenienced by sneaky politicians like you that change Ohio’s abortion laws on a weekend on in the middle of a Friday night. How about the fact women may be looking at politicians like you making abortion totally illegal.

I guess Johnny needs a lesson as to what punishment means. No access to abortion is draconian punishment.

In Kasich world he knows he can’t come out and say it like Trump did. That is what really worries Kasich. Trumps big mouth takes the cover away from snakes like Kasich.

Grrrrrr…and then there was the bit on the show with stiff Rob Portman and why America needs to vote for a new president and then we can all talk about Supreme Court nominations. I hope that idiot gets dumped big time. Dude is a total nothing.