
Fantastic New Music and Video From GoGo Penguin: "Parasite"

ckkatz4/23/2023 6:41:26 pm PDT

re: #198 Anymouse 🌹🏑😷

Interesting points!

Sounds like your village is systematically monitoring for additional water supply problems. In Virginia, there is a lot of concern for the many families who get their drinking water from wells rather than public utilities.

It’s interesting to learn that reverse-osmosis can filter out mineral/chemical impurities from water. To, at least, lower and safe levels.

I know little about reverse osmosis. Because of what I understand to be some limitations for my situation, I have not spent much time researching them.

I hope that you do not mind a few quick questions.

Do you need to replace the membrane/filters often?

As I understand them, with reverse-osmosis units is that they discard an amount of water as they work. I guess that the discarded water is released on the surface, rather than back into the subterranean water?

Iirc, the military also uses reverse osmosis for it’s portable water supply units. And, iirc, they need attached power generators as reverse osmosis being fairly electricity hungry.

Also, thanks for the information on hormones. Last I had looked, beyond the fringe fud performance artists, I had not seen anything solid on the medical effects of hormones in water supplies.