
A Beautiful Composition by Snarky Puppy Pianist Shaun Martin: "The Yellow Jacket" (7 Summers)

Yeah Sure WhatEVs6/23/2024 5:38:30 am PDT

re: #239 Patricia Kayden

Racist woman tries to drown Palestinian American child.

Really? REALLY?

Texas Rep. Salman Bhojani said he is “shocked and appalled by this alleged racist, Islamophobic occurrence that took place in my town,” according to the news release. “Hate has no place in Euless, District 92, or anywhere in our great state. I want to thank Euless PD for quickly apprehending the alleged provocateur, and I extend my service to the affected family.”

You’re in fucking Texas which just pardoned a murderer because he killed the right kind of victim. What could possibly shock you about that?