
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

funky chicken2/26/2009 6:48:26 pm PST

re: #240 odorlesspaintthinner

It’s cool that Catholics don’t have to sweat fundamentalism. Come home, all ye Protestants!

Ya know, the husband was raised devout Catholic. I didn’t like Catholic church…choreographed, scripture reading only the little chunk in the order of service book (whatever it’s called) and the whole Easter Vigil thing weirded me out…and the belief that the little wafer actually becomes a chunk of human/god flesh….and then I’m supposed to eat that?

I’m a scientist by training, so Catholicism was just a bridge too far…but the nonsense in so many protestant churches is out of control. It seems like we’d have to choose between creationist denominations or ones that bash Israel. Since attending some kind of church service is important to my husband, I’m looking at RC again.