
Overnight Open Thread

soxfan4life6/24/2009 5:22:47 am PDT

re: #244 Irish Rose

Fry the bastard.
Ditto the judge who is now an accessory.

The man had a prior history of assaults, had the grandmother known better or had a decent attorney they could have filed a restraining order saying the kid was scared and requested supervised visits. That same Court, Worcester Probate and Family , was the one I had to deal with to get custody of my son. He was 11 years old and wanted to live with me, after his mother refused to take him to court ordered visits with the investigator I got him to one and after the investigators report was filed it still took over a year to get custody. They work meticulously and would definitely rule in the safety of the child. In divorce matters I have seen some crazy stuff there, but with kids they are really dilligent.