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Randall Gross5/03/2010 6:07:35 pm PDT

re: #224 Cato the Elder

With a comprehensive nuclear plan, we will someday have a nuclear disaster. It’s inevitable.

And birds will get killed by windmills.

We’ve actually had three, and the death toll for all of them is still countable on the fingers of two hands.

In the first disaster, the core of an experimental reactor smashed a worker when it shot upwards from steam pressure, in the second we had a leak at TMI, homes and land had to be evacuated. In the third several people died at Chernobyl trying to contain it.

Every single year 30-50 thousand miners die for coal, every year thousands die drilling and transporting oil, not to speak of the deaths due to fires etc. Even if we ramp up nuclear to replace it all the death tolls will still be lower as measured by real data.