
More Than a Quarter of Republicans Believe Anti-Govt Violence Can Be Justified

Eclectic Cyborg1/11/2011 7:42:24 pm PST

“Repeat a lie long enough and it becomes the truth”

If there is some violent uprising in the future, I’m certain historians will look back on what happened in the U.S. following the election of Barack Obama and be simply amazed at how so many lies became truth thanks to the right wing media machine.

Think of some of the things far right people believe:

- Obama is a socialist/communist
- Obama is a Muslim
- Obama was born in Kenya
- George Soros is Satan’s minion
- 9/11 was an inside job
- Democrats are just itching to ram gun control down our throats
- Obama has a secret military force 1 000 000 strong at his disposal
- Healthcare reform was a government takeover of healthcare that effectively brought Universal health care to America.
- Democrats care more about illegal immigrants than legal citizens

And I’m sure I’m forgetting some! It’s like an entire political movement born completely out of lies.

I love the internet, I think it’s one of the most wonderful creations mankind can lay claim to, but it’s also very dangerous. I just can’t see this kind of political heat existing so openly and so prominently before the days of the internet.

I don’t doubt for a moment historians will look at this and wonder how things got so far off the rails.