Comment Commenters Spew Racist Hatred at Trayvon Martin

Talking Point Detective3/27/2012 8:39:53 pm PDT

re: #231 moderatelyradicalliberal

No it’s not something. There are only two things: single payer or a mandate for insurance with government controls on costs and prices. There is no other way to create a universal health care system that is affordable. Other countries of tried and it’s not possible. I think you can figure out for yourself why either one would be nearly impossible to create in this stupid country of ours.

The parts of the ACA that aren’t the mandate are very popular, except you can’t afford them without the mandate. Americans want all of the goodies and none of the mechanism by which to get those goodies. Our health care system is a disgrace and will have to fall under it’s own unsustainable weight if the ACA is overturned because no other president in his right mind will go near health care reform for another 20 years and we don’t have 20 years before it folds. Just let it burn and rebuild it from the ashes. We are creating a situation with no other option. The good news is the only option will be single payer if the mandate is declared unconstitutional.

I hear ya’, but I’m honestly not sure that any fee for service system will ever work. It’s just a really stupid system for providing medical care.