
Reuters: Snowden Tricked Co-Workers Into Giving Him Their Passwords

lawhawk11/08/2013 1:12:47 pm PST

re: #247 Dark_Falcon

Except that the Luftwaffe was limited because of logistics - it was lacking petrol, oil, lubricants, and replacement parts for aircraft for a sustained fight. Meanwhile, the Soviets were cramming sending aircraft and tanks right out of the factory into battle - that’s how close the fighting got.

So, while the Germans thought that they had a plan in place to close the Kursk salient and shorten their lines and deal with repairing the logistics to their overextended lines, the Soviets had advantages of time, space, and Enigma cracking the German codes. The Brits had shared intel on the pending invasion, so the Soviets prepositioned forces and shifted assets to prepare for a counter offensive, which had devastating results for the Germans.