
Nevada GOP Lawmaker: Cancer Is a "Fungus" That Can Be "Flushed Out" With Baking Soda

lawhawk2/25/2015 8:12:42 am PST

Too bad to check, which means that Jim Hoft is running with it.

Boko Haram resorting to cannibalism to feed its minions.

A google search finds that cannibalism was mentioned in relation to Boko Haram around August last year, but nothing new, or concrete for that matter.

Boko Haram is plenty bad without making claims that they engage in cannibalism. And it’s not like they haven’t slaughtered thousands of people, or burned towns to the ground in Northeastern Nigeria. Capturing territories like that means that they are gaining ground, including farms, and whatever resources people are unable to carry. To then claim that they’re becoming or are cannibals makes for sensationalist headlines, but the facts simply aren’t there.