
The Bob Cesca Show: Rhinestone Cowboy

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/09/2017 6:55:57 pm PST

Considering the Democratic momentum from the recently-concluded general election, perhaps this business with Mr. Moore will be just enough to push Doug Jones over the line in Alabama.

Perhaps even if GOP voters in Alabama could not bring themselves to vote for a Democrat to save their lives, enough might be disillusioned enough to just say they won’t vote at all.

Moreover, perhaps enough Democrats and nominally independent or usually non-voters will be disgusted enough by this to get to the polls.

While Moore was twice tossed off the state supreme court for violating the law with his Ten Commandments monument nonsense, maybe accusations of paedophilia will be enough for Alabama conservatives to dump him.

We’ll see. I am very disappointed by my Senator Ben Sasse supporting this Dumpster fire of a candidate.