
US Cardinal Denounces Obama's Notre Dame Invitation

LGoPs3/29/2009 11:36:11 am PDT

re: #214 Iron Fist

Outside of a monestary, the willingness to sacrifice personal gain for the many simply isn’t there. No one epitimizes this more than the Democratic leadership. Obscenbely wealthy themselves, they never fail to exhort people who aren’t as fortunate as themselves to give up more for the needs of the many. “Spreading the wealth” doesn’t mean breaking up Kennedy’s trust fund or Obama or Clition’s mega-padays for their books. It means taking huge amounts from the married couple with two average panying jobs who are now classified as “wealthy” because their combined salary is over $80K.

For the children™ no doubt.

An inconvenient truth for leftists is that Lenin and his revolutionary buddies replaced the aristocracy with one of their own.
I see a similar pattern with the Democrats you describe above.
Party of the little guy my ass.