
Video: James Dean and Ronald Reagan, Circa 1954

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/20/2010 4:30:21 pm PDT

re: #209 windupbird

bwahahaha fair enough. actually, it’s less that nerds don’t date, it’s that geeks don’t date. Nerds have academic bonafides. Nerds work in the sciences. Geeks work the IT help desk, collect Star Wars figures and wear silly costumes :D

Well nerds do that too, but we have the sense to put the Star Wars stuff down when girls are involved. Unless we jackpot and get a real nerd girl.

OK funny story, the GF was convinced that she is NOT a nerd damn it.

I arched an eyebrow at this stunning revelation. Bemused I started to convince her that it really was ok to be a nerd girl. She just has to face the truth.

I AM NOT A NERD she announced.

OH really? So do you think Luke knew through the Force he was macking his sister and did it anyway?

“WHAT?!? Of course he didn’t she fumed!” She then explained how he didn’t have his Jedi awareness yet since he hadn’t been to Dagobah and that he obviously didn’t know who she was until he spoke to blue shiny Ben and figured it out.

“Aha” I said. “And who was Arca Jeth?” I asked…

“Only the greatest Jedi Watchman ever!” Everyone knows that!

Nodded, “Hal Jordan or Kyle Raynor?”

“HAL! Of course!” she boomed!

“So you sure you are not a nerd?”

“Just because I like comics and Star Wars does not mean I am a nerd!”

“Really and why is that?” I asked…

“Because nerds need to get obsessive compulsive about arcane things. I don’t do that!”


“Yes, Really!!!”

“Didn’t you write a thesis on how Tacitus gave Livia a bum rapp?” I asked.


“My darling, it’s ok to be a nerd really… The nerd is strong in you, I sense much pedanticism.”

So yeah that is our running joke.