
Overnight Video: Tempest Milky Way

Nyet8/24/2011 9:16:37 am PDT

re: #250 Dark_Falcon

Again, “it’s hard” is not a reason, it’s an excuse. If it’s hard, try harder. The point is, no nation actively tried to save those Jews who were in immediate danger, and that’s a counter-point to Beck’s argument. I’m not saying that the Allies look like bad guys because of this. I understand the intricacies of the situation, and that the Allied perspective was marred by incomplete information, fog of war, limited resources and whatnot. Still, Beck is dead wrong.

It’s true that, strictly speaking, the Soviets stopped the Holocaust with the Allied help (if Beck wants to ascribe the “stopping” to anyone), but it wasn’t their intention - nor the Allied intention. Their intention was to win the war. They thought that whatever massacres there were would be stopped by winning, and formally speaking that’s correct, but…