
GOP Crowd Boos Gay Soldier Serving in Iraq, While Santorum Babbles About Sex

Birth Control Works9/22/2011 11:31:54 pm PDT

re: #255 The Ghost of a Flea

The theories that don’t involve Clancy Brown acting like a complete nutter with a big sword tend to slip from my recall.

But you’re absolutely correct that there’s multiple ideas about how the language moved—doubtless things have moved on since the Kurgan hypothesis, and likely with good reason, so I ain’t going to argue. I haven’t kept up on theories and don’t really have a strong opinion, but I used to be a little wary of the old linguist theories that had Indo-European as the language of some conquering group. Now that I’ve glanced at the concept, I guess I’ll go look at what the newer thinking is saying.

The only thing I remember about the development of language is that babies almost all speak the “mmmm” sound first and it is associated with “mother”. Most of the words for Mother start with an ‘M” sound.