
Poseur Alert: Breitbart/CNN Commentator Dana Loesch Supported RomneyCare

Gus10/09/2011 10:04:33 pm PDT

re: #250 HappyWarrior

Especially since evangelical Christians were once the weirdos of Christianity and persecuted. I guess that’s what annoys me about modern Christian fundamentalists in this country is that they completely forget that they were once a persecuted minority in countries that had a powerful relationship between church and state. Instead though they blather how legalized abortion, gay marriage, etc is persecuting htem.

You know. My first experience with Mormon was back when I was 16. We drove through northeastern Utah one summer and my folks and the rest of us thought, “wow, these people are nice.” Assuming of course that they were Mormons. I don’t like bigotry. Yet, people are bigoted against Mormons. Of course I have to add that I don’t necessarily agree with them in many respects especially with regards to Prop 8 in California. But! They’re not alone so why should I hate them any more for that?