
Pastor Hosting Conference With Huckabee, Cruz and Jindal Says Gay Marriage Will Lead to Cannibalism

No Depression11/03/2015 6:40:11 pm PST

Maybe it’s time to bring a little levity to the thread:

Christian Groups Are Furious That Chick-fil-A Has ‘Gone Gay’

Oh, the dilemma that is being Chick-fil-A: The chain can lose potential customers by opposing same-sex marriage, or it can tick off its loyal base by not denouncing one franchisee who thinks the opposite.

After a rogue Nashville Chick-fil-A owner donated to an LGBT film festival, the chain got prominently listed on the event’s website, resulting in various angry media outlets misreporting it as corporate sponsorship. Outrage at the chain has oozed forth ever since over this purported corporate shift, despite the fact that past franchisees acting alone have gone even further in support of LGBT causes.