
Donald Trump's Most Awful Moments in the "National Security" Forum

Belafon9/08/2016 7:34:01 am PDT

According to Daily Kos, Clinton did a press conference (part1, part2). I like these:

Q: Could you react to the RNC saying you were too serious last night, and do you think there is a double standard?

A: You can ponder that one. I don’t take advice from the RNC. We were talking about serious issues last night. I know the difference between talking about ISIS and the VA and political happy talk. Donald Trump chose to talk about his deep admiration and support for Vladimir Putin. Maybe he did it with a smile and I guess the RNC would have liked that.

Q: Trump suggested that his security briefers were not happy. Did you get that same impression?

A: I think what he said was totally inappropriate and undisciplined. I would never comment on any aspect of an intelligence briefing that I received.