
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/14/2009 4:02:34 am PDT

Are we doing teh crazy analyses this morning?

Don’t think I can top the Obama as a lizard hybrid story…

But… Alex Jones is stepping up the anti-vaxx wars.

On one of his sites ( he has an article ” CDC H1N1 “Community Engagement” Meetings — Register and Make Your Voice Heard” in which he is encouraging his followers to swamp public CDC hearings because:

The CDC needs to told we will not accept mandatory vaccination and Northcom militarization of our communities under the cover of a contrived flu pandemic.

On his show yesterday he was doing some hard-core anti-vaxx scare-monger, e.g.:

Youtube Video

Alex Jones, due to his psychotic megalomaniacal greed, will get what he wants - a disaster. Jones is a hazard to public health.